Saturday, 11 April 2020

April and May 2020 COVID-19 How can Calvin help?

Human beings now face a new threat, the COVID-19 Pandemic.  We wonder where God can be in the midst of human suffering across all age groups, races and genders.  Many may seek comfort in words from the Bible such as St. Paul writing in Romans 8:38-39.  Calvin refers to these verses repeatedly in Book III of the Institutes including chapter 14 “The way in which we receive the grace of Christ”.  He maintains that the godly are always victors over such trials with the reason from Romans 8:37 “on account of Him who loved us” (God).  In book 3:24 and section 6 Calvin reminds us that we can know that “our election is irrevocable and lasting” thus confirming the words of St. Paul that “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).  Is this something you can claim for yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic?