Calvin insists that “nothing is more preposterous than to
enjoy the very remarkable gifts that attest the divine nature within us yet
overlook the author”. He describes certain natural events as taking place at God’s
“pleasure”. How do we view this with our
technology to predict weather and earthquakes and much more? He finds instances of the testimony of nature
in the books of Job and Isaiah. He notices
that seeing God at work in nature can be common to those familiar with God’s
ways and those who are “strangers”. All this
Calvin suggests should direct us towards God’s love as there is no creature “upon
whom God’s mercy has not been poured out” (Psalm 145:9, Ecclesiasticus 18:11).
How frequently do you look at some creature and imagine God’s
mercy being poured out upon it? Could it be true for a rat in the sewer or for
a house fly?