There are four orders of offices that our Lord instituted
for the Government of his Church: first the pastors then the teachers, after
those the elders and fourthly the deacons.
Therefore if we would have the church well -ordered and maintain it in
its entirety we must observe that from of rule.
(By contrast in the first edition of the Institutes only the
pastors and deacons are mentioned and the 1537 Articles mention only pastors)
What must they do?
Serve God faithfully
Keep the Ecclesiastical ordinances
Maintain the honour and privileges of the
Seigneury and of the city
Obey the laws and the magistracy “without
prejudice to the freedom we must teach what God commands us and to do those
things that belong to our office”
How would ministers perform today against these criteria?
In the Church of England ordained minsters uphold the
ordinal and serve God faithfully. The
relationship with the State is more difficult: we owe allegiance to the monarch
but are ministers called to speak out against harsh measures put in place by
the government of the time?
As Bucer did in Strasbourg, in Geneva Calvin always gave the
Magistracy the right to the final decision.
How do Calvin’s fourfold requirements of minsters compare
with the threefold ministry in the Church of England? {pastors, teachers, elders and deacons vs
Bishop, Presbyter and Deacon in the Church of England}