Saturday, 19 March 2016

Chapter 4 This knowledge is either smothered or corrupted partly by ignorance partly by malice

Chapter 4

This knowledge is either smothered or corrupted partly by ignorance partly by malice

1.       Superstition

“God has sown a seed of religion” in all but Calvin believes that barely one in a hundred develop it. Would a similar proportion be the case today?  Calving thinks that some slip  into superstition but they do this through being vain and obstinate rather than by examining the evidence for the Christian faith.

How many conversations do you hear that begin “it says so in the Bible” in which those initiating the comments then go onto quote from hymns, popular culture or superstition.  Thus they illustrate Calvin’s point to day: few of those who would even claim to be Christian delve into the faith sufficiently deeply to discover God’s purposes for them in Christ.

Calvin cites Romans 1:22 “striving to be wise they make fools of themselves” about these people.  If we agree that this is true in our politically correct twenty first century world how

can Christians point this out?  If we do, through wither word or action the results may be unpleasant.

What do you think are the superstitions of today by which Calvin might allege that people “measure God by their own carnal stupidity”?

Could they be money, drugs, or alcohol?  Or is it simply fashionable to be ignorant of God.

Are we so spiritual yet so ignorant of God?